COI Disclosure Expiration Reports

To view the reports sign in via the Tableau Server - scroll down and to the right until you find the blue “Sign in to Tableau Server” button.

Please note that access to these reports is restricted and requires an MIT certificate. If you have questions specifically about the COI disclosure process or the results returned, please email  If you are experiencing technical issues (i.e. page errors, access issues, results not displayed, etc), please email and provide a screen shot or description of what you are experiencing so we can better assist you. 

Depending on your screen size and resolution, you may need to scroll to the right to view the full report.

There are four different reports you can access by clicking on the appropriate tab below.  You can search the reports by Principal Investigator (PI) name, by the DLC where the PI has active awards, by the School where PIs have active awards or by the Research Administration Services (RAS) Contract Administrator name.  An explanation of each report is provided when you click on the tab.